Monday, March 6, 2017


Good morning,

There is a lot to write about this week. As I think back to the beginning of this week, I almost can't believe that it was only 7 days ago.

Monday, transfer day, is always fun because we spend our preparation day with the missionaries that are going home. The outstanding highlight of this  was the testimony meeting at the end. I had to privilege of listening to 4 fine missionaries and an incredible senior couple bear their solemn witnesses. Without sharing what was said, I can share the biggest thing that I learned. During the testimonies, my attention was often drawn towards sister Clancy. She came out here with me and has been a stellar missionary her entire missionary and an example to everyone around her. Despite that, however, I have never seen a face more humble, teachable, and childlike than hers this night. It was in this moment when I actually understood the commandment to become as a little child.

On Tuesday, We took sister Canino to the airport and picked up a new missionary. The rest weren't coming in until later so we went back to the office. While at the office, we were hit with bad news after bad news. The flight times of the two groups of missionaries coming in just kept being pushed back. Then, all of the sudden, we get word that there was a missionary that came in alone and that had probably been waiting at the airport for hours. We rushed out there and find this poor missionary and brought her back to the office. The other two groups of missionaries that came in late had already missed heir legality appointments and so we got them pizza for dinner and they went to sleep.

The next day, which is usually the conference, included legality concerns and a meal at presidents in the evening. So, at this point, we were one day behind. I am so happy, however, that we got to spend time with those new missionaries at presidents house because they are so great and being around them is exhilarating.

Bleus conference went really well. It is always a great experience to see the missionaries get out with their trainers because now I am involved in the process of discerning God's will for their transfer! One sister, Sister Hughes got paired up with sister Bright. About 2 weeks ago, when sister Bright got chosen as a trainer, i knew that she would be with Sister Hughes. She hadn't even come into the mission yet, but I knew that it would happen. It isn't usually revealed like that to me but they are going to be a good companionship.

I would like to end this issue with a spiritual thought. 

The second focal point of the Europe area plan reads, “become spiritually and temporally self-reliant.” In pondering the underlying purpose of this counsel, I was led to the explanation given by Elder Patrick Kearon of the Europe Area Presidency. He states that becoming spiritually and temporally self-reliant, “recognizes that if we don't stand firmly on our own feet spiritually, we get swept away too easily by the storms of life.” So, the purpose of this focal point in the area plan is to help us build our foundation upon the Lord.

This reminds me of the parable given by the Savoir in Matthew 7:
24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
 25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
 26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
 27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.
Thus, ‘self-reliance’ does not signify relying upon one’s self, but, rather, relying completely and unyieldingly upon the Lord. The success of paying a full tithe is not the acquirement of budgeting skills, but it is the beauty of a life overflowing with heavenly blessings. The accomplishment of higher education is the magnification through Christ of our own capacities in lieu of a mere personal achievement.

Let us put our trust fully in the Lord in order to partake in the miracles that He has in store for us. Our willing heart is all that he requires of us, and our efforts will only be multiplied through Him, “…for [we] have not come thus far save it were by the word of Christ with unshaken faith in him, relying wholly upon the merits of him who is mighty to save.” (2 Nephi 31:19) I testify that He is mighty to save all, including those of our brothers and sisters in France and Switzerland to whom we bring the fullness of His Gospel.

Elder Marshall Underwood 

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